Emma’s Cakes Smash!

I can’t believe Emma turned one already! I have been so lucky and have taken pictures of Emma and her family before. Emma is definitely a dainty little girl. She was so careful eating her cake, she would pull off a piece of cake and then take off little tiny bites of the piece in hand and eat that. What a precious little girl!

My First Cake Smash Pictures

My little man turned one at the end of last year so I decided to do a cake smash photo shoot. I bought a huge cupcake pan and made a cake. My friend Kristen (click on her name and check out her photography site!) came over to take some pictures and give advice. She also let me borrow her speedlight, now I want one. (Thanks Kristen for all your help!!!) I set up a sheet and some lamps, and whalaa a beginner photography studio. LOL Not ideal, but it did the job. I was pretty happy with how the pictures turned out.

And I even learned how to make a storyboard. It was a lot of fun to make especially since I had so many pictures that I loved.

I love all the new things I am learning in photography and photoshop!!!